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Erica Ginsberg Erica Ginsberg

Listening to Yourself

On our personal journeys as creative people, we sometimes lose sight of our core beliefs about why we do what we do. With a lifetime of jobs, relationships, achievements, mistakes, joys, disappointments, gains, losses, observations, and mostly mundane moments behind us, we rarely take the time -- or the courage -- to reflect in the way that we might have when we were coming of age. There is sometimes raw and audacious truth uttered in youth.

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Erica Ginsberg Erica Ginsberg

Stretching Your Creative Muscles

Just as with our bodies, our minds need to be stretched and toned. When you are creatively stuck, this can be akin to the slump you may feel when you are not moving your body as much as you should. Explore some tips that can help you break through your creative slumps

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Erica Ginsberg Erica Ginsberg

Creative Resilience in a Time of Pandemic

This is just the time when we need to be at our most resilient and our most creative. Yet what is happening with the worldwide COVID-19 epidemic has made that a challenge for many. I wanted to share a few thoughts on how to be resilient in these strange times.

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Erica Ginsberg Erica Ginsberg

Failure is a False Construct

You are a failure. Even if those are painful words to read, it is quite likely that they or some variation of them have crossed your mind at some point.

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Erica Ginsberg Erica Ginsberg

Resolution Check-In

Whether it’s the start of a new year or a big transitional date such as a birthday, we have a tendency to focus on resolutions. What is it we want to change for the future?

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Erica Ginsberg Erica Ginsberg

Why Creative Resilience?

Welcome to the very first entry in a series of thoughts I want to share about a concept that is very dear to my heart: creative resilience.

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